Monday, February 21, 2011

Kep Trio!

So the 4th Annual Kep Trio came to a close yesterday morning with closing ceremony at the CVTC (Community Vocational Training Centre) near the Red House. There were performances from the Youth Clubs, David Pred's speech thanking everyone, a performance by some of the kids from school and prize giving to the winners of the races (Prizes such as a training course on preventing domestic violence for the community, donating a cow, 30 chickens...the usual.)

Tiny Toones Performance
The art certificates were completed and the art auction set up at the Sailing Club. Definitely didn't raise a whopping 15,000 dollars on the auction art like last time but any donation helps. In all, it was a big success and like David said, the team carried it off without any glitches.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


First Stages of Swelling
Teaching English
Ho Chi Minh

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kep, Rabbit Island, Vietnam

Rabbit Island

Rabbit Island is a small island off the coast of Kep. It has only a few bungalows lining it's beach and the most palm trees you will ever see! Its a great place to relax on the weekend, work on a tan and not spend a fortune. There are no locals hustling you to buy things on the beach and the bungalow is only $8 a night :) We went last last week and are going this coming weekend.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh is definitely underrated! Quite a few backpackers have told us that Saigon was just traffic, and a boring city - we found it to have a great environment with little backalleys, tall oak-like trees lining the streets, and to have a fun nightlife. Unfortunately we visited during Chinese New Year meaning many of the shops were closed - we did however get to visit the famous war museum. Definitely have to go back to do it properly but we had alot of fun!


It is all quite stressful coming up to the Kep Marathon next week - the art certificates need to be organized but I'm sure it will all work out in the end. The kids have been great - eager to draw and sometimes making 3 pieces in one lesson, lets hope everyone appreciates their hard work :)

Other Notes

Got stung by a wasp/demon the other day and successfully shed tears in class..I don't know what it was but  if a bee sting is like a tiny butter knife stabbing you, this was a ninja sword. Finger progressively swelled until it could not be bent and spread to the back of my hand - do not fear, it is all better now (well moving towards that direction). Fun times in the wild. Unfortunately I missed the Man vs. Wild ep where they teach you to deal with stings...although if it were Bear Grylls he would have probably eaten the monster way before it had time to attack.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pictures of Chamcarbei/Kep - First Week

If a picture says a thousand words, here is 5000 word essay I've written.

Primary School Building

Kindergarten Classroom

The Red House


Kep sunset

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Different Kind of Life

Currently on a borrowed laptop in a small office a 20 minute bike ride from the red house and 35 minute bike ride from the school we are going to teach at. Here in Kep Cambodia we stay in Champka Bey (incorrect spelling) - Sally, Anna and I share a room in a house on stilts with no running water and electricity for 3 hours a day.

Last night we arrived, brought our ridiculous sized suitcases up the stairs, ordered some food (not very practical but desperate times, desperate times!), watched the movie Youth in Revolt and then collapsed into a deep sleep. I forgot how cold Kep was during the night! Wind blowing, it feels like Europe.

I'm really excited to start teaching/helping the community. Our schedule is classes from 7:30am to 10:30am (kindergarten) and 1:30 - 4:30 (primary school) everyday as well as other projects such as jewelry/craft design and marketing, community development, helping organise the Kep marathon taking place on Feb 19. We have 2hours worth of Khmer lessons a week, and will spend some days of the week teaching the teachers/staff at the school from 4:30 - 5:30 pm. During school time we are also doing alot of sports/art with the kids!

Pha, our lovely cook, cooks us meals 3 times a day - except for Sally who has her own food regime :) Mainly consisting of pasta. So far no major injuries - we've all been taking our Malaria tablets and wearing the sexy bike helmets. We will probably be on our bike for at least an hour a day - if not more. Tomorrow we are having dinner at Kep with Vy and Mr. Morley will be arriving.

We have yet to experience a shower since coming to Kep, but are looking forward to use the mysterious dark pond water in the bathroom. I will bring my laptop the next time I come to the office and try to upload some pictures.

Until then, ciao!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back to Cambodia!


(that's how happy I am about revisiting my second home, Cambodia!)

It's time to begin the second half of this journey in Kep, Cambodge. We (Anna, Sally, and I) are leaving at 6am tomorrow to Phnom Penh. Looking forward to visiting Tiny Toones and Youth School, as well as other Phnom Penh favourites (lucky supermarket, russian market, meekong river, riverhouse)

Hopefully the internet access in Kep will allow me to blog every so often :)
